03/07/2011 – Harting Down & Wolstonbury Hill

Went to hunt down the Red Earth installation at Harting Down after the previous attempt was a failure due to a missed turn ๐Ÿ™

Found the car park off the B2141 and set off to hunt down the sculpture.

Unfortunately the first attempt was down the wrong vale, so back up and down the next lane

.7 of a mile later there was the sculpture.

Whilst walking down we had the treat of seeing the mighty Vulcan flying down to Goodwood for a display – now that’s a fitting flypast ๐Ÿ™‚

After taking pictures then there was the slog back, mostly uphill and hot – thank god there was no swearbox nearby !!!

Then drove to Clayton and did the, by now, usual slog up to Wolstonbury Hill followed by the crawl back to the car (it had been a long day)

whilst doing this walk we had several flypasts by a Tiger Moth, that’s the second time in 1 day we have had a flypastย  by an iconic aircraft ๐Ÿ™‚

There are 2 maps, one for Harting down and one for Wolstonbury

I have included a picture of Harting Down, there are already pictures of Wolstonbury here.

Harting Down Wolstonbury Hill

Harting Down istallation

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