31/07/2011 – Clayton to Wolstonbury, to the Chattri, to Ditchling Beacon, to Black Cap (and a bit) and back

Yes, I have finally cracked this swine, although right now I think it won rather than me !!

If anyone wants sore feet, acheing hips, chaffing, unresponsive thigh muscles and other associated pains I have plenty spare !

Started off going up to Wolstonbury, no problem, seemed to fly down to the Chattri and back up to the Beacon path, I wasfine at the Beacon so pushed on, ho hum by the time I had reached and passed Black cap going to the memorial tree the feet were waking up 🙁

It was a sunny day, but not baking hot 🙂 but that didn’t stop me needing 2 bottles of energy drink.

I made it back without taking a sit down but my pace would hardly break records – sorry let me rephrase that as plod rather than pace, I was definately slowing down nearer the end.

Driving back was, erm, entertaining, it felt like cramp would be putting in an appearance  every time the clutch was used, but thankfully that did not come to the party ! phew !

It’s good to nail this walk down, but it won’t be a regular hoof on a sunday for some reason.

Today’s plodding trek

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