16/09/2011 – Point to Point to Point with 2 twists!

This is a repeat of the walk carried out on the 29th May with 2 twists, 1 half planned, the other out of the blue !

This walk is from Clayton to Wolstonbury Hill, to Ditchling BeaconΒ  and on the Black Cap where the first twist was applied, it was extended to the beacon on Mount Harry which added a mile to the walk.

Up to this point the only issues encountered was tippy toeing through the cows on the path wearing a reddish shirt πŸ™‚

The Beacon is deceptively further than it looks, it appears to be in a clump of trees, fat chance it hides behind.

Walked through and took some pictures before returning to Clayton (or so I was thinking)

I had made it the gate 1/2 mile beyond Ditchling Beacon when a Swedish lady asked for my assistance, there was an injured rabbit by the gate, and she wanted to take it to the vet.

So muggins here ended up walking back to the carpark at the Beacon cradling the rabbit in my arms, she then took the rabbit off to PDSA (she had rang the RSPCA who suggest she took the rabbit to the PDSA.

Now as you can imagine the blisters on my feet were very impressed at walking another mile πŸ™ and boy did they let me know πŸ™

Hobbled back to the car with 2 rather sore clodhoppers for my trouble and over 16 miles covered πŸ™‚

the beacon on Mount Harry

the beacon on Mount Harry

16/09/2011 - Point to Point to Point with 2 twists!

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