01/10/2011 – Mum rides to London Road

Mum got out on the bike to tackle paths behind her house running to London Road, Burgess Hill. Previously she had taken the bike down to the railway bridge but no further.

It was very evident where mum felt most comfortable as she was off like a shot, no scooting either, however it was also evident where she is far from comfortable as the speed drops and her confidence ebbs away.

Mum slowed down passing a corner where previously a dog had bounded out towards her and walked round. Once round the corner she was happy to cycle again all the way to the railway bridge.

Once past the railway bridge the track changes from a wide single track to two  narrow tracks with a grassy central section, a change that mum felt difficulty in adjusting to, the tracks were too narrow and the surface too loose and bumpy for her.

Despite her miscomfort she did make it for the first time to London road before returning home, once past the railway bridge she was up and running again.

Although the distance is less than previous runs, the terrain was more difficult (especially when compared with the Newhaven / Seaford track) so this was a worthy effort.

01/10/2011 - Mum rides to London Road

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