26/02/2012 – A ride on the Downs Link cycle path from West Grinstead towards Bramber

After being confined to the flat during the week thanks to a heavy cold I escaped the 4 walls and headed for West Grinstead, I made sure I was dosed up with Beechams, and armed with hankies !!! (I’m now deadly at 10 paces with  a snotty piece of fabric)

Rode out from the old station and headed south for Partridge Green and the B2135 which you need to ride on for a short while.

From there you pick up the old trackway again  down a lane on your left (thankfully signposted)

Here you get a slight surprise when you find yourself riding across a field rather than on a track, but the track soon returns and you continue to Henfield where you are greated by a sharp ascent to a short ride through the village.

Once out of Henfield I rode onto Wyckham Farm before deciding to return.

I have to say that this was the first time I have ridden through a race (hopefully I didn’t impede the runners)

When I got back to West Grinstead I decided to not carry on to Southwater, another 6 miles is pushing it 🙂

A couple of times on this ride I came across a couple of short, steep ascents which I rode standing on the pedals, a year ago there is no way I could do this distance or ride like that – well chuffed (even more so considering the lack of exercise this week thanks to the $^^%^$ cold)

26/01/2012 - A ride on the Downs Link cycle path from West Grinstead towards Bramber

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