15/09/2011 – An amble round Ardingly Reservoir (or rather what’s left of it !)

Went for a gentle stroll round Ardingly Resevoir to see how it has changed over the year.

I have to say I was shocked by the low water level, where I join the path it is normally lake like, you do not expect to see just a small stream !

Here is a link to my photos – http://s512.photobucket.com/albums/t322/udtrev/2011%20albums/15092011%20-%20Ardingly%20Reservoir/

It was an amble through woodland with, at times, a slightly muddly track but it’s been a lot worse.

It was also a shock to see that the Bird hide has gone, just the remnants of the stumps are left.

The top part of the path seemed to be teeming with Pheasants who were always running away down the track

I wandered round to the causeway then completed the walk to the head of the dam and continued on the footpath to take a picture of the Railway viaduct at Balcombe (you get an entirely different aspect from fields here looking across the trees behind the bridge.

I returned having seen a Heron, yet more fleeing Pheasants and a Robin, overall an enjoyable little stroll.

15/09/2011 - An amble round Ardingly Reservoir (or rather what’s left of it !) img03965.jpg

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