19/04/2014 a stroll along some of the 7 Sisters with Jon

Went out for a challenging walk with Jon today,

Jon wanted a walk to test his fitness so we went for the 7 Sisters

We parked at Birling Gap in the wind and sunshine.

Out of the car we headed North West towards Exceat Bridge

Jon hasn’t been here before – his legs were in for a shock

This walk involves steep descents and ascents, the lungs and legs were in for a shock.

We headed initially for the ladder stile but found it has gone – Jon got a let off.

We went past the Stone seat and on the bench at the top of the next ‘sister’

Now we turned back and headed for the car

But before reaching the car there was the slight matter of the odd ascent including the one just after where the ladder stile used to be.

Thanks to the cliff falls the route I have used in the past was gone 🙁

Ho hum straight up the north face of the Eiger !!! I am now qualified to make naughty phone calls thanks to my heavy breathing.

It was a good walk and we felt it, followed off with lunch at the Giant’s Rest 🙂

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