21/09/2014 Walton, Hampton Court, Sunbury, Laleham, Chertsey, Addlestone and home

Went out for a morning ride on the racer,

Rode down to Oatlands on St Georges Avenue and Queens Road then went to Walton

Continued on the A3050 to Hampton Court then crossed the bridge before turning left to head back in this direction

For once did not turn towards Lower Sunbury but carried on into Sunbury past Kempton Park

Carried on the A308 until I could turn for Laleham and then turn towards Chertsey Bridge

Went over the bridge and through town to the Thorpe Road then dropped one junction before Ireturned to pick up Green Lane

Rode through Addlestone and New Haw to pick up the A245 and then the Brooklands Road

Ascended to the station then descended Hanger Hill before returning home via St Georges Avenue and Queens Road

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I am now recording my rides with MapMyRide – here is today’s ride.


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