01/01/2016 A nice little 28 mile ride to start the miles clocking up

Went out for a morning ride to start the year off as I mean to carry on 🙂

I rode up Hanger Hill to the station then down Brooklands Road to the A245

I then rode to Byfleet before turning towards Pyrford and Wisley

I rode to cross the A3 and head for Ockham and Cobham where I picked up the A245 again

I rode through to pick up the 244 and ride into Oxshott and Esher

Approaching Esher was weird, there were Daftodills out on the roundabouts – talk about early !

At Esher I turned to ride to Walton and made my way to the bridge and Walton Lane

I rode to Portmore Park Road and on to Wey Road before heading for the Bourne Estate

I then rode by the river to Heath Road and ascended to the station

Finally I returned home down Hanger Hill


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