Archive for August 6th, 2016

06/08/2016 A walk down to Tesco for some water and coke :-)

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

Went out to grab some soft drinks (and the odd bottle of scotch) from Tesco

I walked down Hanger  Hill to Pine grove

I then walked down to Queens Road and Tesco

Once shopped I walked to the cricket pitch

Finally I walked up Hanger Hill to home


06/08/2016 A mad ride down to Walton Bridge and back

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

Went for an evening ride to burn off a calorie or three 🙂

I rode down Hanger Hill to the cricket pitch and over to Oatlands

Then I rode down Oatlands to Walton Bridge and picked up Walton Lane

I then  cycled back to town and turned into Portmore Park Road

I rode to Heath Road and ascended to the station

I returned home down Hanger Hill


06/08/2016 A walk to Walton Bridge and back via the towpath

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

Went for an afternoon walk to burn ye olde worlde calories 🙂

I walked down Hanger Hill to the cricket ground and on down Oatlands to Walton Bridge

I then walked to the towpath and walked to reach the Old Crown

I then picked up the towpath round to the old bridge and on to Heath Road

I then ascended to the station and returned home down Hanger Hill
