Archive for August 13th, 2018

13/08/2018 Up to Savill Gardens, round to the Copper statue and then back home

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Went out for an afternoon ride with Anett and Iren

We rode up Christchurch Road to the A30 crossing the roundabout on the way

We then crossed into Savill Gardens and rode round to eventually reach the deer park

We then rode to the Copper statue and the long mile

After taking a few pictures we rode back to Englefield Green and on to the A30

We rode down to where we had crossed to Savill Gardens and turned back into Christchuch Road

We then rode home, all be it with a stop when some arsehole knocked Anett off her bike and drove off

Thankfully all she has a bit of gravel rash


13/08/2018 Prune Hill, Callow Hill and round by Trumps Green

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Went out for a lunchtimeride – a break from the screens

I rode down Christchurch Road to the traffic lights and turned towards Egham

I then went down Stroude Road towards Egham and turned into Whitehall Lane

This leads to Prune hill which I ascended to the junction at the top and turned down Callow Hill

At this point my legs would like to say that down might be a bit misleading as there is a lump in the middle

I now rode back to the roundabout and turned right towards Trumps Green on Wellington Avenue

When I reached Trumps Green Road I turned towards the lights at Virginia Water

At the lights I turned left and rode back home up Christchurch Road

13/08/2018 The usual walk along the Christchurch Road for Anett and a longer one for Iren

Monday, August 13th, 2018

Iren went for a walk with Anett and without me as I was working

They waalked up the Christchurch Road to the roundabout where Anett turned for home

Iren carried on to the A30 where she then turned for home