16/09/2018 The SSSS (Sunbury, Staines, Sunningdale and Sandhills) ride

Went out for a different ride

I rode down Christchurch Road / Sandhills Lane to Thorpe and on to pass through Chertsey

When I reached Weybridge I ascended Monument  Hill and then turned down Oatlands

I rode to pass Walton Bridge on the way to Sunbury on the A244

I then turned onto the A308 and rode across to reach Staines

I rode through the town and picked up the A30 which I rode through Egham

I carried on to Sunningdale and then turned towards Longcross and trumps Green

Once at Trumps Green I turned onto Bridge Lane then Lyne Lane to reach Sandhills Lane again

Finally I ascended to the lights and returned home on Christchurch Road

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