Archive for the ‘A walk from work’ Category

06/06/2018 A wander round the shops and raiding the market

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

Went out for a lunchtime walk on me todd

I walked past the Anvil to the Malls Shopping Centre

I wandered around the shops and raided the market

I then headed for the shopping centre and grabbed some dinner

Now I walked back to the office and put the shopping in the car

05/06/2018 A walk down to town to get lunch and back

Tuesday, June 5th, 2018

Went out for a lunchtime walk to get my lunch

I walked past the Anvil to the Malls Shopping Centre

I wandered through the shops to grab lunch

Then I returned back to the office.

31/05/2018 A walk down to town to get lunch and back

Thursday, May 31st, 2018

Went out for a lunchtime walk to get my lunch

I walked past the Anvil to the Malls Shopping Centre

I wandered through the shops to the bus station

I picked up the bridge to the station and went past Londis

Then I walked back past the Anvil to the office

31/05/2018 A walk down to the Deli to get butties and back

Thursday, May 31st, 2018

Went out for a morning walk with Paul down to the deli to get our Thursday morning butties

we walked past the Anvil and crossed the bridge over Churchill Way

We then walked along to the Deli and grabbed our breakfast

Then we returned back to the office the way we had come.

29/05/2018 A walk down to town to get lunch and back

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

Went out for a lunchtime walk to get my lunch

I walked past the Anvil to the Malls Shopping Centre

I wandered through the shops to grab lunch

Then I returned back to the office.

24/05/2018 A walk down to town to get lunch and back

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

Went out for a lunchtime walk to get my lunch

I walked past the Anvil to the Malls Shopping Centre

I wandered through the shops to grab lunch

Then I returned back to the office.

24/05/2018 A walk down to the Deli to get butties and back

Thursday, May 24th, 2018

Went out for a morning walk with Claire down to the deli to get our Thursday morning butties

we walked past the Anvil and crossed the bridge over Churchill Way

We then walked along to the Deli and grabbed our breakfast

Then we returned back to the office the way we had come.

21/05/2018 A wander round the shops and raiding the market

Wednesday, May 23rd, 2018

Went out for a lunchtime walk on me todd

I walked past the Anvil to the Malls Shopping Centre

I wandered around the shops and raided the market

I then headed for the shopping centre and grabbed some dinner

Now I walked back to the office and put the shopping in the car

22/05/2018 A lunchtime wander which includes the back of the station

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2018

Went out for a luchtime wander, time for that different route again

I walked round to Chapel Hill and up the Holy Ghost cemetary

I then walked across to Vyne road and round to Bunnian Place

I then walked to the Crown Heights Medical Centre

I then walked across the dual carriage way to the stairs down to the bus station

I now walked into the shopping centre and walked through towards the Anvil

Now I returned to the office

17/05/2018 A lunchtime wander which includes the back of the station

Thursday, May 17th, 2018

Went out for a luchtime wander, time for a different route

I walked round to Chapel Hill and up the Holy Ghost cemetary

I then walked across to Vyne road and round to Bunnian Place

I then walked to the Crown Heights Medical Centre

I then walked across the dual carriage way to the stairs down to the bus station

I now walked into the shopping centre and walked through towards the Anvil

Now I returned to the office