Archive for January 25th, 2016

25/01/2016 A walk down to Tescos and Sainsburys for cold cures

Monday, January 25th, 2016

Went out for an evening walk to get some cold cures,

Originally I aimed to get all I needed from Tescos

I walked down Hanger Hill to Pine Grove which I turned into

I walked down to Queens Road and went into Tescos

After getting all bar the Eucalyptus lozenges I left the shop

I decided to go to Sainsburys to see if they had the lozenges

I walked to the store along Queens Road and got the missing items

I returned home up Hanger Hill


25/01/2016 A lunchtime wander round Brooklands and the Heights

Monday, January 25th, 2016

Went out for a lunchtime walk with Mark (Chaoying, Barry and Morgan did the triangular walk)

We walked down Locke King Road to cross the railway and then walk by the Sewage Works

We walked own to cross the river and on to the Brooklands museum bridge

We walked over the bridge and into the Heights and on to the P&G gate

We went through the gate and returned to the office up the Brooklands Road

25/01/2016 The trudge continues, it’s week 2 of the 10,000 steps challenge

Monday, January 25th, 2016

And here is today’s walk to work,

Strode out of Heathside and turned left into Hanger Hill

Went up to the Brooklands Road

Crossed the road and into the railway carpark

Went through the car park and on to Locke King Road

Walked up to the Office – thus concludes the journey to the office

For the way back road up Brooklands Road and went round the Station roundabout

Then strolled down Hanger Hill back to Heathside.

Heathside Commute