Archive for February 24th, 2016

24/02/2016 A walk down to Morrisons and back

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Went out for an evening walk down to Morrisons and back, Iren needed some cough mixture

I walked down Hanger Hill to Monument Green

Then I walked down Monument hill to the store

Once I had the shopping I returned the way I had come.


24/02/2016 A lunchtime walk around the Heights

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

Went out for a lunchtime walk with Chaoying, Natasha, Morgan and Barry

We walked down Locke King Road, crossed the river and then down past the sewage works

We crossed the river and went to the museum, crossing the river again

We went through the Heights to the P&G gate and went through

We returned to the office by walking up Brooklands Road
