Archive for August 13th, 2017

13/08/2017 Esher, Kingston, Staines, Virginia Water, Chertsey and home

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Went for a ride after the best part of a week off due to the weather and not feeling well

I rode up Hanger Hill to the station then down St Georges Avenue to Queens Road

I now rode past Walton, through Hersham to Esher and turned towards Kingston

I rode into Kingston and then round Hampton Court towards Sunbury

I went through to Staines and headed to Egham then Virginia Water

Now I rode in the direction of Longcross before turning towards Lyne and Chertsey

I went through Chertsey, over Woburn Hill to return to town and reached Heath Road

I ascended to the station and returned home down Hanger Hill