Archive for May 2nd, 2012

02/05/2012 – A walk along the river to Carcraft, through town to Chertsey Bridge and back in Chertsey

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

With the delight of another dry day (since the hosepipe ban dry days have been an endangered species) I decided to walk again to Carcraft, across town and back via the Chertsey Bridge

It soon became obvious that the water level had risen since monday and that careful choice of the walking route was required else wet feet would be the order of the day 🙁

By the time I reached the Chertsey Bridge it was clear that the Thames was up by at least an inch and the footpath was now submerged :-O

Monday’s water level  and todays water level

02/05/2012 - A walk along the river to Carcraft, through town to Chertsey Bridge and back in Chertsey