Archive for July 31st, 2016

31/07/2016 A long walk round town

Sunday, July 31st, 2016

Went out for a long walk round town

I walked down Hanger Hill to the Cricket Pitch and crossed to Oatlands and on to Grotto Road

I then went down to Thames street and walked to Jessamy Road

I crossed onto the island and picked up the towpath which I walked to Bridge Street

I then walked to Heath Road and ascended to reach St Georges Avenue

I walked down to Egerton Road and turned to walk through Gower Road to Queens Road

I walked along to Hanger Hill and ascended to home


31/07/2016 A walk round town watching the Ride London events with Iren

Sunday, July 31st, 2016

Went out for a morning walk with Iren aiming to look at the Ride London event

We walked down Hanger Hill to Monument Green

We walked through to the footpath to Baker Street

Then we walked won to the High Street and on to the green by the Monument

When we were done we walked back to Baker Street and had a coffee sitting in the middle of the road !


From here we walked the paths through Churchfields to reach Hanger Hill

Now walked back up the hill to home
