Archive for April 4th, 2016

04/04/2016 A swift ride round town to the Opticians, the Bank and back

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Went out for a swift ride down to the Opticians and to get some funds from the bank

I rode down Hanger Hill to Monument Green

I then turned down Monument Hill and whizzed down taking care with the roundabout as the roads were wet

I then went into the high Street and to the Opticians

I then went along to the start of Heath Road and hit the bank

After getting my funds out (thank you Mr ATM) I ascended the hill to the station

I then returned home down Hanger Hill to home


04/04/2016 yet another lunchtime wander round the Heights – yep another

Monday, April 4th, 2016

Went out for a lunchtime walk with Chaoying, Antonia and Paul

We walked down Brooklands Road to the P&G gate which we went through

We then walked through the Heights to the bridge by the museum

We crossed the river and walked to the path up past the sewage works crossing the river again

We walked up the path to Locke King Road and returned to the office
