Archive for October 14th, 2016

14/10/2016 An afternoon walk after work – yep it includes the towpath

Friday, October 14th, 2016

Went out for an afternoon walk after work – a repeat of yesterday’s walk

I walked up Hanger Hill to the station then down St Georges to Egerton Road

I went through Gower road to Queens Road and on to the entrance to Cedar Grove

I walked through to Oatlands, crossed and went down Grotto Road

I then walked along Thames Street to Jessamy Road and onto the island

Now I picked up the towpath and walked round to the old bridge and Heath Road

I ascended to the station and walked home down Hanger Hill


14/10/2016 A longer walk from work – yep tis Friday

Friday, October 14th, 2016

Went out for a lunchtime walk with Chaoying

We walked down Brooklands Road to the P & G Gate

Then we walked down through the Heights to the housing estate

We walked across the to road to Mercedes World and on to pass their test tracks

we then took the path up by the water treatment works crossing the river again

At the other end of the path we turned into Locke King Road and walked up to the office
